Two Paintings Sold
Two paintings, Umbra (left) and Nocturne at One (right) just sold! This is especially significant since they sold during this very...
Nocturne at One
Nocturne at One. Completed! And ready for packing and shipping to Andra Norris Gallery, Burlingame, CA.
Nocturne at One
This is an image of Nocturne at One taken around mid-January. If you go to the previous post you will be able to see how the painting has...
Blue/Green with Stripes and Companion
Blue/Green with Stripes and Blue with Stripes are seen here side by side as companions.
Blue/Green with Stripes
During the last few weeks I have been working on the next "striped" painting, Blue/Green with Stripes (20" x 20"). I see this as a...
Blue with Stripes
Blue with Stripes is made up of contrasting color stripes on a ground of blue. The stripes create a rhythm of their own, receding and...
Blue with Stripes
Here is a detail of a new painting, Blue with Stripes, that I have been working on for the last few months. For this painting the...
Umbra is done! In this painting I placed an under layer of India Ink writing* in a vertical direction, contrasted with the horizontal...
Have been working steadily on Umbra. An unusual color palette for me. The original color palette triangles have an india ink-"drawn" or...
Umbra (new title)
Okay. While creating this painting I have been debating about the title. At first it was Yellow/Shade, but that was not working. Then,...