New Painting
Here is an image of a new painting that I have been working on. It follows the last three paintings in feel--more open space with...

Blue/Green with Stripes and Companion
Blue/Green with Stripes and Blue with Stripes are seen here side by side as companions.

Blue with Stripes
Blue with Stripes is made up of contrasting color stripes on a ground of blue. The stripes create a rhythm of their own, receding and...

Blue with Stripes
Here is a detail of a new painting, Blue with Stripes, that I have been working on for the last few months. For this painting the...

Umbra (new title)
Okay. While creating this painting I have been debating about the title. At first it was Yellow/Shade, but that was not working. Then,...

New Painting
Here are details of a new painting that I am working on. The color in this painting is a departure from the blues of the Nocturnes I am...

Chroma. Gray., & Chroma. Cool Blue. SOLD!
Both Chroma. Gray. and Chroma. Cool Blue. just sold! It is very gratifying to see the two paintings set in a space seemingly designed...

Chroma with Black Veil
Chroma with Black Veil (in 4 parts) can be arranged either as a square (as seen here) or as an horizontal. The use of a lamp black layer...

Working on a Commission
Working on a commission poses some hurdles. In this case, the commission is based on another one of my paintings. So how do I find a way...

Composition. Yellow. Blue.
Composition. Yellow. Blue. is no longer in progress, but is done! 41" x 41" in two panels, mixed media assemblage. Next week,...